segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2020

Inglês - Semana 06 a 10 de julho - Professora Luciana - 1º A, B e C

Leia o texto abaixo para resolver os exercícios:


02-07-2020 15:00

Geologists at the Iowa Geological Survey discovered 150 pieces of fossils of a giant

underwater scorpion about 18 metres under the upper Iowa River.

The giant underwater creature reigned the ocean almost half a billion years ago,

predating even the dinosaurs. It grew up to 170 centimetres in length, had 12 claw

arms sprouting from their heads and had a spiked tail.

The animal is called Pentecopterus and is part of the Eurypterid family of sea

scorpions. Unlike modern land scorpions, its tail did not sting and was used more for


There are more than 250 individual species of Eurypterid, but the majority of the

discovered specimens are of the Eurypterus species.

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

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a- Qual é o tema do texto?

b- Você conseguiu compreender o tema sem fazer tradução do texto ou precisou


c- Que tipo de texto é esse que você leu?

d- Resuma em poucas linhas (em português ou inglês) as informações que o texto

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Atividade Quinzenal - Prof. Vinícius Rondon

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