segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2020

Inglês - Semana 13 a 17de julho - Professor Marcelo João - 3ºA, B, C e D

Faça um resumo do texto em português, destacando as informações mais importantes.

Mexico Earthquake

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit southern Mexico on Tuesday, and it killed six people.
The earthquake just added to the challenges and misery of the coronavirus pandemic, as
medical workers and patients from Mexico City hospitals had to be evacuated.
However, even the earthquake could not top the daily shock of the coronavirus. In Mexico,
nearly 24,000 people have died from COVID-19, and almost 200,000 people have been
infected. Mexico’s president quickly assured the population after the earthquake; however,
some people criticize his actions to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Mexico is one of the world´s most seismically active regions, and the country has a long
history of devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

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