segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2020

Inglês - Semana 20 a 24 de julho - Professor Marcelo João - 3º A, B, C e D


- Leia o texto e deixe sua opinião em português.

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Masks Help People Understand

Approximately 48 million people have some degree of hearing loss. Ordinary

masks muffle our voice, and it may be worth considering masks with clear windows.

When you wear such a mask, people can see your lips, which can be helpful for people who

are deaf or hard of hearing. Window masks make it possible to lipread and to see facial


Alicia Austin teaches infants and children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Currently, Austin

has many online lessons with her students, and she says that wearing a mask can make

communication very difficult. Austin says that children need to see facial expressions and

recognition in order to learn, regardless of hearing abilities.

There are more benefits to window masks. They can be very helpful also to people

with diminished hearing, typically older people or grandparents, who rely on face-to-face

interaction to understand

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Atividade Quinzenal - Prof. Vinícius Rondon

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